HE Information Pages
Topic outline
HE Widening Participation
CCG is committed to widening participation in higher education to ensure that the student population is from a diverse range of backgrounds.
As part of the process of continual improvement, we have a dedicated team developing initiatives and projects to deliver targeted activities across the FE student lifecycle, from access and outreach to success and progression.
We have support in place to ensure that we give both our further and higher education students the best possible chance to succeed at university-level and progress either into employment or further studies.
We adopt a catch-all approach to our widening participation work to give all our students the opportunity to benefit from the wide variety of schemes and programmes that we deliver, but we give priority to students where data shows gaps inequality of opportunity in relation to access, success and progression.
We consider those underrepresented groups of students to share the following characteristics as outlined by the Office for Students:
Students from areas of lower higher education participation, lower household income and/or lower socioeconomic status groups
Care experienced
Mature Students (over 21 at enrolment)
Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME)
Students with Disabilities
People estranged from their families
People from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
Refugees & Asylum Seekers
Children of military families
For more information please take a look at the Access and Participation Plan and the Ofs website.