Preparing for your Interview
Upon the strength of your application, we would like to invite you to interview - Knowing what to expect will help you to feel more in control and less apprehensive, therefore we’ve put together some advice to help you understand what tutors are looking for and how to prepare.
This is your opportunity to see if the course is the right fit for you. The interview will be an informative meeting with the course leader, giving you the opportunity to find out more about the course.
Make practical arrangements- Make sure that you plan your travel and accommodation arrangements in advance and make sure you can get there on time.
Bring supporting Evidence - Make sure you bring anything you will need to support your application; this should include certificates of completed qualifications. For example; if you are applying for an Arts qualification, you may want to bring a portfolio of work.
Be (your professional) self- Remember, it’s OK to relax in an interview. The interview will take the form of a formal discussion, so feel free to ask questions throughout.
Research your course - Check all available sources of information and make sure you have properly read the course details. Think about what particularly interests you about the course. Is there a particular module that piques your interest?
Timing- it is important to remember that Interviewers are likely to be seeing several candidates. To make a good impression within a limited time, think about the qualities you have to offer that you feel make you stand out from the competition.
Remember, this choice is two ways- Remember that interviews are a two-way process; use this opportunity wisely by finding out what you want to know about the course.
For instance, you could ask the course leaders about the program’s range of teaching methods, expectations for each year of the course, the main characteristics they look for in a student, as well as any tips on how to succeed on this course.
Additional info- Also be prepared to discuss yourself and you career aspirations, rather than just your academic achievements.
Terms and Conditions - Please ensure you have read and understood the terms and conditions relating to your application whether you have applied using the UCAS website or applied using college website.
If you are unsure of any of the Terms and Conditions relating to your application for your course, please raise this with the Course Leader or Admissions who will be happy to assist you. The terms and conditions are found under the policies on the Chichester College website: Supporting your Visit to the College
If you or any person accompanying you has individual requirements during your visit, for example disabled parking, please feel free to contact Admissions and we will make every effort to provide assistance.