Research Skills for Successful Assignments

Understanding the question

You need to have a clear idea in your own mind about exactly what you need to include in your answer.

Be like a detective or reporter and ask the questions

What?  When?   Where?   Who?   Why?  How? Questions

Other useful approaches to this are to

  • try rewriting the question in your own words
  • creating 'mini answer' to the question
  • making an outline plan to help you identify any gaps in your knowledge

Make an outline plan

Break the task into topics. Use a list or mind map to help you.

Plan                 Mind map

  • —Use as an initial planning tool when deciding on your assignment brief
  • —Use as a brainstorming exercise to identify keywords for research
  • —Use to group terms to help organise your assignment

Finding information

To find relevant information you will need to search the internet, library catalogues and databases.

Identifying the directive words and keywords in the question will help you to structure your research.


Find out more about this in the next section.  Click on the right arrow below.