Our interview process is relatively informal and provides us with an opportunity to get to know you and gives you a chance to find out more about us.
Your interview is an exciting occasion to find out more about your course, college life and the experience you’ll have here. We’ll talk to you about why you applied to the course, what you’ve done so far and what you hope to achieve.
Some courses require additional interview preparation, these courses with additional requirements are listed below:
To ensure you are fully prepared, please click on the relevant course name to obtain essential information for your interview.
By meeting with College staff you will have the opportunity to:
Get an overview of the subject and the department
Find out about English and maths opportunities on your chosen course
Find out what help is available
Discuss any additional support needs you may have
Discuss any materials or resources required for your course
Please bring with you:
Your most recent school report
Any exam certificates relevant to your course
Any additional materials, such as your portfolio as stated in the requirements listed below (please click on your course area)
You will:
Have a tour of the College
Attend a group presentation
Have a 1-1 chat with one of the course tutors. Our aim is to support you in ensuring your choice of course is the right one for you
Need to prepare for an audition or portfolio review if required by your course (see the additional requirements listed below)
Please take the opportunity at the meeting to ask your own questions about the course and the College. You are welcome to invite a parent or carer to attend with you.
If you can no longer attend your interview or you wish to withdraw your application or you have any questions please contact: