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  • Art Foundation:

    Interview Preparation Advice & Guidance:

    Interviews take place in the Art foundation studios and will last between 20 / 30 mins.
    You will interview with one of the Art Foundation Team, on a 1-1 basis. We are
    aiming to encourage you to get involved in discussing your portfolio, interests and
    potential plans for the future. Think about appropriate references, including artists /
    designers / exhibitions or potential University courses that you have found, that could
    be relevant to your answers.
    At the end of your interview, you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you
    might have. Remember, we aren’t just interviewing you. This process intends to give
    you an insight into the programme and ensure that the course is right for you.

    What to put in your portfolio - Evidence of:

    ● Mark making; line, tone, colour, texture, composition
    ● Ability to handle different media, techniques and processes
    ● Inventiveness and experimentation
    ● Idea generation and development; concept through to realisation
    ● Problem solving and decision making
    ● An awareness of ethical design, social responsibility and sustainability
    ● Research – theoretical / practical - visual / written
    ● An interest in historical / contemporary aspects of art, design and general
    cultural issues
    ● Above all else we want to get a sense of YOU

    Aim to bring no more than 1-2 A3 sketchbooks, if you are bringing A1 work no more
    than 10 sheets and please document any oversized 3D work.
    If you are bringing a digital portfolio please have this in a powerpoint / PDF or
    G-Slide format saved on a memory stick and bring the memory stick with you.

    Questions to consider in preparation for your interview:

    ● What area/s of art and design are you interested in?
    ● Do you make art work in your own time?
    ● What do you know about the college and the Art Foundation programme?
    ● If successful in securing a place, What do you want to achieve from the
    ● From your portfolio, what was your favourite project, and why?
    ● What exhibitions / artists are you currently engaging with / researching?
    ● Tell me about a time when a project didn’t go to plan, what did you do to help
    resolve it?

    This is an opportunity where you can talk about what and who has influenced you,
    the techniques you’ve used, and what you have learnt during the creative process
    and journey you have been on so far.

    We look forward to seeing you at your interview!