Century Tech is our online learning tool. The more work you complete on Century the more it understands your strengths and weaknesses and will assign you appropriate work to improve your skills.

Signing up for the Diagnostic Assessment

To begin you will join a "Century Diagnostic Class" where you can an Initial Assessment for Maths and English to determine your current working level.

To join this class you must go follow these instructions:

  • Go to https://app.century.tech/ and click the "I have a class code" option at the bottom of the log in page. Enter the code: 99VZ46
  • You will be asked to "Connect your account". You will be asked if you have an account. Please click "NO, Sign me up!".
  • Fill in your details on the next page. Please ensure you use your real name.
  • Once you have created the account you can go back to https://app.century.tech and log in with your new details.
  • On the next page you will see 2 options that will lead you to the Maths or English Initial Assessments.

Joining the Study Class

Once you have completed the diagnostic assessment you can join the actual study classes for Maths and/or English. To join these classes you must LOG OUT of Century and then start the "Class code" process again.

  • Go to https://app.century.tech/ and click the "I have a class code" option at the bottom of the log in page.
    • Enter the code: SVNJ3H for ENGLISH L2
    • Enter the code: 669367 for MATHS L1
    • Enter the code: 66XPK7 for MATHS L2
  • You will be asked to "Connect your account". You will be asked if you have an account. Please click "YES, Sign me in!".
  • Log in using your account details and the class will be added to your account. Your "Personalised Pathway" will now show you modules (called nuggets) that you can complete to help you improve your Maths and/or English skills.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 June 2023, 11:58 AM