Are you entitled to additional support?

DSA is Government funded support for Higher Education (HE) students with Disabilities.

  • It is not cash – but any equipment that a student receives is theirs to keep.

  • Students can apply for DSA as soon as they have their student funding in place.

  • Evidence is required when applying, using an Educational Psychologists’ report for an SPLD, or a Medical Evidence form.

Please note, an EHCP is not accepted as sole evidence by Student Finance England / Ireland / Scotland / Wales but is acceptable supporting evidence. Other forms of acceptable supporting evidence are:

  • Statement of SEN and Transition Plans
  • Individual Education Plans
  • Learning Difficulty Assessments
  • Recent PIP's.

Cases are treated on an individual basis.

After application, a student will be asked to see a Needs Assessor who will design a personal support package. A detailed report is then given to Student Finance England (Ire/Scot/Wales). 

  • Students applying for DSA will receive 8-10 weeks of basic support from HE Facilitators to allow them time to complete the application process. After this point support will be withdrawn if DSA has not been awarded. If you have any concerns or queries please contact the Disability Coordinator.

  • Once a student has DSA in place, they will receive a letter from Student Finance England (Ire/Scot/Wales) breaking down their support package and detailing next steps to arrange their support and equipment.

  • A support package can consist of Equipment such as a laptop, printer, software, Ergonomic equipment for use at home, 1:1 study skills support tutor, and/or mentoring support. A contribution of £200 towards a new laptop is payable if awarded.

  • The HE support team have a number of Facilitators that can offer additional support to students, such as, note-taking*, library/workshop assistance, practical support, proofreading, etc. It is based on a student’s individual needs and in accordance with their needs assessment report.

Please note, Facilitators do not provide in-class support in the same way as an FE LSA.

It is essential that students who have had a lot of input from the FE ALS team are aware that their support will change when they progress up to HE.

  • If students are moving to another University/College, Northbrooks Disability Coordinator can offer some advice and guidance, but they should be informed to contact the Disability Coordinator/team of the Applying University. It is possible that the Higher Education Provider can pay for or provide the necessary evidence needed to apply for DSA.

  • Northbrook DO NOT pay for an Educational Psychologist report for HE students that are not enrolled with Northbrook.

  • When attending an Educational Psychologist Assessment booked by Northbrook, the student will be liable for the full cost of testing if they miss their appointment or fail to give 48hr notice of un-attendance. This is payable directly to the assessment company.

  • Further Top-up testing appointments are available for other complex neurodevelopmental assessments such as ADHD, ASD at a private cost. This is arranged and paid for directly between the company and the student.

The college DOES NOT pay for this further testing. 

More information about eligibility can be found here

*Note-taking is available in discussion with the HE Disability Coordinator and following SFE DSA guidelines. If a student receiving notes is absent from a lecture or taught session notes will not be taken unless discussed and pre arranged.

If you need any further support, have any concerns or queries please contact Andrea SheltonHE Disability Coordinator, in Room WD E114

Phone Number: 01903 273440

Direct email: 

Department email:

Scan QR Code to make an appointment

SCAN ME to make an appointment


Student Finance England Forms Online:

DSA1 Form for academic year 24/25 part time students or those paying own fees
DSA1 Slim Form for academic year 24/25 full time students
Claim Form for reimbursement of costs through Disabled Students’ Allowances
Disability Evidence Form