How you can help

1.Use the support within the college

·        Safeguarding Officers

·        College Counsellors

·        College Nurse

·        Early Intervention Team


·        ask the young person what's wrong

·        listen to what they are saying, take it seriously

·        make it clear that you care about them

·        reassure them that things can and probably will get better

·        involve parents, carers or friends if you think it's appropriate

·        keep an open dialogue going

·        try to persuade them to share information with people who can help

·        give information about where they can get help

·        signpost the student to professional help if needed


·        make light of it

·        criticise or be judgmental

·        pressurise them about their school work

·        make assumptions - self confident young people do not necessarily have high self esteem, intelligence and motivation do not always go together hand in hand!

·        break confidences unless absolutely necessary

4. If you think that the young person's safety is at risk, you will have to report it to a Safeguarding Officer. Try to get their permission first. (

Last modified: Thursday, 7 August 2014, 11:51 AM